Building A Law Firm

029: Stop Wasting Time



Here's a short summary of what we're talking about (these are my actual notes from the episode)... 1. Just got back from Paris. 2. Launching a new training soon on Facebook - if you’re interested go to FREE TRAINING: "three secrets to using Facebook to actually get clients without having to be tech savvy or spend a ton of money" 3. Today’s episode is about mindset - and I thought I’d talk about this based on the experience I had while on the plane coming home. 4. Advice - stop wasting time on stuff you can’t control - look within for why you are frustrated - instead of whining and crying look for solutions - use it as a learning experience to avoid the problem in the future Christopher Small knows how to start and build successful law firms. He is the owner of CMS Law Firm, a Bellevue estate planning firm, and Building a Law Firm, a site dedicated to teaching lawyers how to start a successful law firm.