Building A Law Firm

017: How to Start an Estate Planning Law Firm Step-by-Step



Today we're going to talk about how to start an estate planning law firm step-by-step to create a six-figure law firm. It's actually a lot easier than you think. I'm not going to go through all of the details here because it will take too long, but I will summarize. Starting a Law Firm Assumptions First things first, I'm assuming when talking about starting an estate planning law firm that you have no experience, no clients, no network, no nothing. Starting from scratch makes what I'm going to talk about easier. Second, I'm going to assume you've got at least $5,000 of capital. You need SOMETHING to get started. Third, I'm going to assume you've got 6 months of living expenses saved. If you want to know why, listen to the podcast. Fourth, and finally, I'm going to assume you're able to work 60 hours a week. I never said this would be easy! Phase 1 of Starting an Estate Planning Law Firm - Foundation If you are starting from nothing you've got to build your foundation first. This includes things like cho