Building A Law Firm

AOL 145: Are You Committed?



Listen everyone. I can't remember what I said on this podcast - I recorded it about a week ago. Here's what I know - it's amazing stuff. Instead of wondering, hit the play button or read the transcript below. Cheers, Christopher Small Are You Committed Transcript Hey everybody welcome to episode one forty four of The Art Of Lawyering Podcast. I'm excited to be here. I'm sitting out on the deck of my office. You can hear so much ever growing by. Beautiful view of the island big mountains and the Lake Washington and I'm here to talk to you today about something kind of fun. Before I get there, I want to remind you about my coaching program. So I have decided to reopen the inner circle which is my coaching program to ten people and before I get there. You know I want to, so I'm going to go back, and so when I started you know, I started practicing law in two thousand and five. Opened my firm in two thousand and eight. I don't know anything about business. I didn't know anything about marketing. I didn't kn