Building A Law Firm

AOL 143: Law Firms and Farmer's Markets Don't Mix



I got my first law firm client from a farmer's market. I used to preach marketing a law firm in this way. But now that I'm older and wiser I've changed my tune... Cheers, Christopher Small P.S. - I've done it! I started my second six-figure law firm in under 4 months! Want to know my secret? Networking! And I'm sharing my tracking system with you for free. Click Here for Access. Who am I? I am an expert on starting a law firm and law firm marketing. I've started two successful law firms (you can see my latest one here and love sharing what I've learned so you can do it too). Law Firms and Farmer's Markets Don't Mix Transcript Hey everybody this is Christopher Small. This is episode one forty three of The Art of Lawyering podcast. I am super pumped to be with you today. I was actually, we're on Facebook live but we're recording a day late. There's a lesson in there before I even get to the lesson of the day that is don't worry about being perfect just get your stuff done, right. That's the that's the w