Building A Law Firm

AOL 141: Five Reasons Lawyers Need Instagram



Okay people, this is going to be a very very short post for one reason: it is 1:00 a.m. and I forgot my notes from this podcast at the office. I don't know what the five reasons lawyers need Instagram are precisely, though I know these are some of the attributes: 1. Instagram is free for lawyers (and everyone else). 2. Instagram can help lawyers build your law firm brand. 3. Instagram can help lawyers get more clients. 4. Instagram can help lawyers increase awareness. 5. Instagram can help lawyers increase interaction. To get the full story, listen to the podcast. If, after you listen to the podcast (and not before) you want to learn more about how to make these things a reality for you, click the link below to get my free Instagram for lawyers report. CLICK HERE to get your free Instagram for lawyers report. Cheers, Christopher Small P.S. - I've done it! I started my second six-figure law firm in under 4 months! Want to know my secret? Networking! And I'm sharing my tracking system with you for