Building A Law Firm

AOL 131: Law Firm Website Design Choices



Today we are answering a question from the Law Firm Confidential Facebook group. The question, essentially, is: I have a law firm website. Should I make the home page feature a contact form submission or the two button structure that I'm seeing a lot of firms employ (like this estate planning law firm)? The answer is pretty simple and comes down to answering just one question. If you want to know the answer to making the correct website design choices, listen to the podcast. Cheers, Christopher Small P.S. - curious about what I do on a daily basis to create and build my successful law firm? Now you can find out first hand (and steal some of my secrets). It's called the Law Firm Confidential Podcast, and you can get access to the first 5 episodes for free by clicking right here. Who am I? I am an expert on starting a law firm and law firm marketing. I've started two successful law firms and love sharing what I've learned so you can do it too. Law Firm Website Design Choices Transcript Hey everybody th