Building A Law Firm

AOL 118: Riding the Starting a Law Firm Roller Coaster Without Throwing Up



I love talking about the things that are top of mind with my own law firm and this one is top of mind constantly. When I talk about the starting a law firm roller coaster I mean those wild ups and downs you might experience on a weekly, daily, or even hourly basis. I'm also talking about those wild swings in energy you have. Sometimes you are so jazzed to get to work you are getting up before the alarm and some days you are forcing yourself out of bed. This podcast won't help you eliminate those feelings entirely - I just don't think that is possible. But it will help you get out of the lows faster and avoid letting that voice in your head ruin your game. Here are the five ways to ride the starting a law firm roller coaster. If you want the explanation, listen to the show! Know there are ups and downs/twists and turns; Ride the highs; Get past the lows as fast as possible; Have perspective - we are not snakes; Be a pro. That's it. Pretty simple. Oh, and if you don't have time to listen, or you prefer to