Building A Law Firm

AOL 112: Law Firm Break Ups



Last week I broke up with my law firm. There were no tears. There were no hard feelings. There were no long goodbyes. It was simply "this isn't working for me," and "this isn't working for me either," and we went our separate ways. Here's the thing though: I'm not sure many of you would have the guts to do that. Are you willing to make the hard choices? Are you willing to admit to yourself that everything isn't going perfectly? Are you willing to do the hard thing that needs to be done to make sure you are as successful as possible and your firm is as successful as possible. Law firm break ups aren't fun, but sometimes they are necessary. Why Law Firm Break Ups Happen If you want the full story you should listen to the podcast. Here's the reader's digest version. First, there were too many cooks in the kitchen. With so much input nothing was getting done. Second, change is hard for everyone. For some it is paralyzing. When it paralyzes nothing gets done. Third, different people have different visi