Building A Law Firm

AOL 108: Five Things I've Learned From Starting an Estate Planning Law Firm



I've been doing a little reflecting this week about what I've learned so far in this journey of starting an estate planning law firm (or essentially starting one). If you didn't know, I'm now officially a Bellevue estate planning attorney (yes, it's a shameless plug), and I'm working my ass off to get this thing off the ground. Over the past several weeks I've already learned a lot about the business, and now I want to share it with you (as always, if you want to get the inside scoop you actually have to listen to the podcast). 1. In some ways starting a law firm from scratch is easier than starting something that's already been established. The firm I'm "starting" is already several years old. I equate some of the stuff I'm trying to do to be the equivalent of trying to turn an aircraft carrier. 2. In some ways starting from something that's already been established is easier than starting a law firm from scratch. With the struggle also comes some good. Certain foundational elements are already in pla