Building A Law Firm

AOL 102: Five Law Firm Pricing Strategies to Crush It



The topic for this episode is borne of a discussion in my Law Firm Confidential Platinum group. One of the members is going into a new practice area and was concerned about how to set prices. After much back and forth I think she finally began to feel comfortable picking a starting point, but it made me think there are probably a lot of people out there having this same problem. Five Law Firm Pricing Strategies to Crush It An important thing to remember here is that we aren't trying to suck every last drop of money out of our clients. Far from it. What we are trying to do is get paid for the value of our service to our clients. More value requires more money. The goal if for your clients to pay you a ton of money for your help, get your help, and then go out and rave to their friends and family about how awesome your service was. But enough of that. Let's get down to the five law firm pricing strategies: Don't be afraid to guess; Don't be the cheapest; Provide options; Test; and Believe it. As alw