Building A Law Firm

AOL 93: Starting a Personal Injury Law Firm with Matt Dubin



Today's guest is a fellow Seattleite and also a fellow personal injury lawyer. Practicing since 1995 and owning his firm since 1998, today's guest has a wealth of knowledge and experience. This was a great show because we talked about so many things that can go wrong when starting a personal injury law firm, AND, we talked about how to deal with them. Here are just a couple of the topics we touched upon: Cash flow management; How to survive the time when you open to get your first check; The power of a good assistant; The importance of processes and procedures; and How hard you actually have to work to succeed. There are a ton of great nuggets in here and I can't wait for you to dive in and listen to starting a personal injury law firm with Matt Dubin! Resources Maximizing Your Injury Claim: Simple Steps To Protect Your Family After An Accident PILMMA Book Rec: The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It Law Firm Confidential