Building A Law Firm

AOL 91: How to Use Periscope (and other streaming video) for Law Firms



I'm really excited to bring you this episode. This is one of those shows where you are going to be able to learn a lot, get some specific, actionable advice, and hear the real payoff that using platforms like Periscope with your law firm can give you. How to Use Periscope for Law Firms Today's guest is no stranger to my podcasts, though he is a newbie to the art of lawyering. He appeared on episode 69 of the law firm marketing mastery podcast, the first iteration of the art of lawyering podcast. He is the co-owner of Jackson and Wilson, a pre-emininet california personal injury law firm. He was the 2009 Orange County Trial Lawyer of the Year and received the 2013 California Lawyer Attorneys of the year award for litigation. But, that’s not all there is to today’s guest. He is also the creator of Trial Lawyer Communication Tips for Everyone, a website and blog dedicated to helping people communicate better. Before you listen to our conversation buy valium 10mg roche take out a pen and paper because you are