Building A Law Firm

AOL 89: The 80/20 Rule of Law Firm Marketing with David Ward



Today's guest was sworn into the practice of law at 23 and started his own law firm shortly thereafter. He had no experience, no contacts, no secretary, and no clients. After five years of struggle he started to figure it all out. After 20 years of practice he switched gears and began teaching lawyers what he’d struggled to learn. He is now the owner of The Attorney generic valium florida Marketing Center and the David Ward Group. You can find him at We talk about some really cool stuff today, including: The foundational elements of good law firm marketing; The elements of a good law firm website; The power of referrals; How to overcome the struggle of starting a law firm; and Much much more! Resources Book recommendation: The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less Using story to sell.