Building A Law Firm

AOL 084: What is the Greatest Challenge You Face in Your Law Firm?



Sometimes I see a question and answer session somewhere else that I just can't help but participate in. I recently found one over at where they asked the question: what is the greatest challenge you face in your law firm? I thought the responses were interesting and deserved their own response, so I responded with this podcast. Below you can find all of the responses to the original question. To get my responses you'll have to listen in! (Oh, and you can find the original question and responses here) Greatest Law Firm Challenge Responses randallryder: Taking time out of my busy day to read an email from Lawyerist asking me to answer a poll on Lawyerist. Other than that, fighting for the little guy is incredibly emotionally satisfying and rewarding. Kenneth Forman: Trying to make a living while the Bar continues its decades of turning a blind eye at the massive (and ever growing) amount of people who practice law without a license. petrask: Administrative tasks are the hardest for me to