Building A Law Firm

AOL 81: 10 Ways to Market Your Law Firm with Larry Bodine



Today's guest has quite the resume when it comes to law firm marketing. He is a marketer, journalist and attorney who turns website visitors into clients for trial law firms. In July 2015 he was inducted into the PILMMA Hall of Fame. He is the editor in chief of personal injury dot com, and he writes for websites like the Huffington Post, Law Fuel,, and the LawMarkteting Blog. 10 Ways to Market Your Law Firm Now, these obviously aren't the only options for marketing your law firm, but they will work. If you want the details on each of these, you've got to listen to the show! 1. Invest in your marketing. 2. Have video on your website. 3. Don't do any marketing you can't measure. 4. Start with low hanging fruit. 5. Cultivate referral sources. 6. Get active in an association. 7. Pursue "targets." 8. Write down your business plan. 9. Block out 200 hours a year for business development. 10. Appear on the first page of google. Show Resources Hootsuite Tweetdeck Book Rec: How to Win Friends