Building A Law Firm

The Art of Lawyering Podcast 021: Bryan Marble and Law Firm Website Design



If you listened to the podcast and heard Bryan's offer for The Art of Lawyering Podcast listeners and you want to take advantage of that, then click here. If you haven't listened yet, listen! This week's podcast guest is Bryan Marble, Founder and CEO of AmazeLaw, a business dedicated to helping law firms create beautiful, optimized web sites by making law firm website design and upkeep simple and convenient. I met Bryan in a pretty interesting way - he reached out to me to try to advertise on the podcast. I ended up telling him "I'd love to have you advertise, but I think it would be even cooler if you came on the podcast and talked about how lawyers can make sure their websites are working hard for them and make sure they are performing well when it comes to search engine optimization. Bryan agreed, and the rest is history. If you are thinking about how to start a law firm or are in the process of starting a law firm, this is a great podcast for you. Throughout the podcast we talk about how you can get