Building A Law Firm

AOL 019: Law Firm Confidential Q&A Session



Okay, I messed up. I didn't plan out my stuff right, and I didn't have an interview to use for this week. Instead of trying to come up with some cool reason to do something different, I decided to just come clean. But, I still wanted to give you something cool. The coolest thing I could think of was an inside view of a Law Firm Confidential Q&A session. Every month I hold one of these live where all members can come on and ask me a question. I just go until we run out. The podcast today is an excerpt of that. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Oh, you want to know what kinds of questions are asked? Well, here's an idea: Have you used any Facebook ads? What is the best way to set up referral relationships? How much is a good bid on google adwords? And much much more! Have a question you want answered? Asking is really easy. You could leave a comment on this post. You could send me a question via twitter - @artoflawyering. You could join my FREE facebook group and then ask - Art of Lawyering Facebook G