Building A Law Firm

AOL 018: Your Law Firm and Google's Algorithm Updates



This podcast is dedicated to a listener question. If you didn't know, Google has announced that on April 21, 2015 they are going to roll out an update to their search algorithm that will affect search engine rankings. As you might imagine, all the lawyers in the room who heard about this let out a collective gasp and immediately started trying to figure out what to do. Well, have no fear, because I tell you all about how the new Google algorithm update is going to affect your law firm. Your Law Firm Website will be Affected in Two Ways Google's algorithm update will affect your law firm in two ways: Doorway pages; and Mobile responsiveness Doorway Pages This is going to be a short one. You don't have to worry about this part of the update. Doorway pages are those generic valium us pages that, when you click on them in the search results, return a page with a bunch of links to other pages on it, and nothing else (a doorway). If this describes your site, you've got a lot more to worry about than this update.