Building A Law Firm

LFMM 085: Ten Lessons Learned from Coaching



Let's get one thing out of the way right up front. Law Firm Confidential is now open! But, it's only open for a few days. And, I'm giving you a win-win opportunity. Right now, while membership is open, you can have your first month for $1. If you're interested just click here. (If, when you click, you see a screen that tells you membership is closed, put your name and email in there and you'll be the first to know the next time membership opens.) LFMM 085: Ten Lessons Learned from Coaching The new year is upon us, and I thought this would be a great time to try to convince you to get help to reach your goals. No, you don't need to join my group. That's not what this is about. It's about taking giant leaps forward with your business. I have and have had coaches and that's how I've done it. You should too. By the way, these are in no particular order. 1. Crushed the learning curve. 2. Hanging with "A" players. 3. Accountability. 4. Access to resources/inside info. 5. Mindset shift. 6. Confidence. 7