Building A Law Firm

LFMM 079: Law Firm SEO Explained



You can't even think about starting a law firm without hearing someone talk about law firm SEO. It's the buzzword of the decade. But, for all the talk of SEO, there aren't very many people out there who know what it is or how it works. Today I'm here to pull back the curtain, at least about what I know about it. Law Firm SEO Experience The cool thing about my experience with SEO is that I got into it before I even opened my law firm. It's fair to say I was a little bit of an internet marketer back in the day. That means I would target a keyword (think cufflinks), I would build a website for that keyword, I would create traffic for that website (this is where SEO came into play) and then I would sell stuff on the site. That is pretty much what we do today, right? We offer legal services and we want people to find us so they can purchase them when they need them. The Dark Side of Law Firm SEO Before I get to the explanation I want to talk about one other thing real quick: the dark side of law firm SEO. Wh