Building A Law Firm

LFMM 074: Law Firm Internet Marketing Expert Marc Cerniglia



Law firm internet marketing can seem like some mystical, impossible to understand thing that successful attorneys somehow have control over. Talk to any attorney and you will immediately hear buzzwords like SEO, email marketing, adwords, and social media marketing. The truth is probably 1% of the people talking about this stuff actually understand it. The other 99% just don't want to seem uninformed. Today you enter the 1%. Marc Cerniglia, Law Firm Internet Marketing Expert [leadplayer_vid id="54287C639D8BF"] One of the questions I most often get from listeners and readers is "what should I do with my website that will get me clients?" If you've been asking this question, then today is your lucky day. My guest today has spent the last several years thinking about how to make the internet work for you, making it work for clients, and teaching people how to build a strong business foundation on the internet. He is the co-founder of One Marketing, a company that helps law firms create professional websites and