The One Thing

445. Shine – 10 Disciplines for Maximizing Your Impact and Inner Peace



If you think your anxieties and insecurities are giving you that extra edge, extra drive, think again. In Gino Wickman’s newest book, “Shine: How Looking Inward Is the Key to Unlocking True Entrepreneurial Freedom,” he shows how inner peace leads to more positive, productive energy.On our episode today, Gino shares with us the 10 Disciplines to achieve that peace in very practical, and simple terms. If you’re afraid he is going to advise you to go live in a hut on a mountain top, don’t be. His tips are for driven entrepreneurs just like us.The bottom line: While you’re achieving outside successes (wealth, status, etc.), you can also be working on inside successes (living authentically, calming your central nervous system, etc.). As Gino will tell you, if he can do it, you can do it!If you're a bold risk taker who wants to dream big and achieve a higher level of success in your life or business, visit to learn about our one-on-one coaching, as well as our exclusive community membership program.**