Living Hope's Podcast

Episode 225: March 10th, 2024 - Bread Three Ways (Pr Matt Molt)



It’s a story that carries the wow factor—feeding 5,000 men (not to mention the women and all of the kids) with just two loaves of bread and five fish. Guest Pastor Matt Molt invites us to think beyond our Sunday School recall of this incredible story. In his sermon, Bread Three Ways, he brings up some points worth considering. Why does it say twice that Jesus “gave thanks”? Why a little boy's breakfast instead of a grown man’s? What’s the significance of the twelve leftover baskets? It’s a sermon that will encourage you to think about the sustaining daily bread of Jesus, not just as something to feed us but as our hunger deep within. So, are you hungry today? Find the bread that satisfies. Press play, listen today, and send this one to a friend!