Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Maximizing Style in Minimized Spaces: Decluttering with Flair



Welcome to another enlightening episode of "Got Clutter? Get Organized!" where we dive deep into the art of transforming cluttered spaces into areas of tranquility and style. Today, we're thrilled to have the incredibly talented Felicia Wallace Benton, an Interior Designer with a decade of experience turning average spaces into luxurious sanctuaries. With her unique blend of an easy-going approach and a keen eye for detail, Felicia has mastered the art of reflecting her clients' visions into their living spaces, regardless of size. 1. The Genesis of Passion: Our journey begins with Felicia sharing the roots of her love for interior design. It's a passion that has grown over the years, fueled by her desire to create spaces that not only look beautiful but feel like a true extension of the individual living in them. 2. The Challenge of Shrinking Spaces: As the average square footage of apartments continues to shrink, Felicia addresses the elephant in the room - what items should we reconsider having in our comp