Evolution Of Medicine Podcast

Anthroposophic Medicine



In this episode, we learn about anthroposophic medicine from James Maskell’s guest, Adam Blanning, MD. Anthroposophic medicine takes a holistic approach to humans, nature, illness, and healing by addressing the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health. The principles and practices of this medicinal form incorporate elements of herbal medicine, homeopathy, movement therapies and more. Anthroposophic medicine was established in the early 1920s by Rudolf Steiner and Ita Wegman. Anthroposophic medicine can be especially beneficial for children working through chronic illnesses, such as asthma, allergies or behavioral issues. Dr. Blanning also highlights the importance of understanding developmental rhythms and providing support for children during key stages of growth. Dr. Blanning, in addition to founding the Denver Center for Anthroposophic Therapies, is also involved in consulting for Waldorf schools, which are rooted in Rudolf Steiner’s work. Check out this full conversation to learn more about: