Radio Free Sarawak

26 March 2024



On Today Show — Dennis Along, Social and environmental activist – GPS tried to confuse the people regarding Cascading Dam, Carbon Trading and PADU — Madam Agnes from Dijih – Broken Promises: Decades Without Clean Water in Dijih Mukah — Mr. Dee, a firefighter from Miri – Miri's Air Quality Plunges: Peat Fires Engulf 21 Hectares Topik Pada Hari Ini — Dennis Along, Aktivis Sosial dan Alam Sekitar - GPS cuba mengelirukan orang ramai mengenai Tadahan Berperingkat, Perdagangan Karbon, dan PADU. — Madam Agnes dari Dijih - Janji Yang Terabai: Dekad Tanpa Air Bersih di Dijih Mukah. — Encik Dee, seorang bomba dari Miri - Kualiti Udara Miri Merudum: Kebakaran Gambut Melanda 21 Hektar. ---------------- Dennis Along, Social and environmental activist *GPS tried to confuse the people regarding Cascading Dam, Carbon Trading and PADU* Dennis is on his way to the villages of Tutoh and Tinjar in Baram parliament. In an effort to provide information to the villagers regarding some of the latest issues. But according to De