The Non-prophets

Elected Officials Must Obey God First



Matt Schaefer Provides A Case Study In Christian NationalismRight Wing Watch, By Kyle Mantyla, on March 8, 2024 this discussion, the panel acknowledges that individuals have the right to their beliefs and the freedom to express them, but when those beliefs infringe upon the rights and freedoms of others, it becomes a problem. The concern is not just about the sincerity of the beliefs but the actions they inspire.There's a consensus among the panelists that the merging of religion and government, particularly in the form of Christian nationalism, poses a threat to individual liberties, democratic principles, and scientific progress. This merging creates a system where authoritarianism is reinforced by religious doctrine, leading to a society where dissent is suppressed and conformity to a specific belief system is enforced.The panel expresses concern about the normalization of Christian nationalis