Youth Worker On Fire Podcast

196 Practice To Win



During a recent interview between Erika from "Erika Taught Me" and Chris Voss (Author of "Never Spilt The Difference" and a former FBI Hostage Negotiator), she asks this question: Chris, how do you use these special communication methods that you've developed during your time as a hostage negotiator in your every day life? We dive deep into these every day methods and practices in this episode! John Chapter 4 - Jesus, talks to “the woman at the well.” A very well-known Jesus encounter and community transformation. He saw her and let her know that he knew who she was. He brought out her true feelings. She felt seen and heard. Verse 15: The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.” Verse 16: He told her, “Go, call your husband and come back. Verse 17: “I have no husband,” she replied. She was  amazed that he actually saw her, knew who she was and still treated her as though she still mattered. She was so taken back that she told her enti