Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas

Immunity Boost 13: Protect yourself from other people’s energy, moods & emotions with energy healing



Discover how to protect yourself from distant and near field interactions with others (and exactly what they are) so you can improve your immune system.We humans are designed to interact with others.  Our biology is designed to pick up on emotions and even thoughts of others.  It is how we stay connected to one another and how we propagate the species. Get your free relationship healing program: connection energy is beyond what meets the eyes. Some of us are keenly sensitive to these energies, you call them over-sensitive, empaths, and even crazy.  The thing is that instruments are just now beginning to detect the energy flow between one another, something that we knew all along.The current events have made it really hard for many of us to stay upbeat.  In the first month or so of the lockdown, I felt utterly dragged down by things although my life had not changed substantially.  The only big difference was our weekly shopping habits.  Otherwise, it was totally si