Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas

Four Straightforward Steps to Overcome Dysfunctional Behavior in Relationships



In this broadcast, you'll hear about some top coping behaviors you could develop growing up in a dysfunctional family. You'll also hear about 4 straightforward strategies for overcoming this behavior.Standout Quotes:“People can never get to know you if you are just coping. So, finding love in your life is very difficult, because you can't be honest with the person.”“Feel your feelings. It's going to get tough at first, but it gets easier as time goes on.”Key Takeaways:Trauma could be verbal abuse, shaming, telling that you're wrong all the time. Having you feel guilty, it could be physical abuse, it could be neglect, it could be a situation where a parent is absent all the time, or both parents are absent all the time.Your happiness, feelings of well-being, and even your wealth can be affected by dysfunctional behavior.There is inconsistency in a household where there’s dysfunctionalityThere are ways to release all of those emotions that are locked up in our body and those old emotion