Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas

Are you a healer and don’t know it? Success and intuition go hand in hand



Today, you’ll hear about how people you meet everywhere and in all walks of life are energy healers. It’s one of the things that makes them extremely likable and successful in their chosen careers. They have the same skills that I and many others out of the closet healers have, like my wonderful co-host, Gwen Lepard.Too Many People are Unaware of Their Healing SkillsIt’s just that they are not aware of how talented they really are. In this show, Gwen and I explore common characteristics and some case studies from people we’ve met who became successful, often rapidly.It all started when I was enchanted by one of my recent interviews for the show. Her show will be coming out shortly.She’s a physical therapist, yes, a conventional one. Not an energy healer. As I spoke with her, she was utterly effusive about how she had helped some of her clients out of pain and how she was so invested in their well-being.The processes that she employs have a lot of variables, but yet she was able to instinctively know which mov