Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas

What is stopping you from discovering your purpose in life?



In today’s show, you’ll hear how to discover your purpose in life. Are you tired, disappointed in the course of your life, ready for a big change? Maybe you are overwhelmed and stressed out.Two women asked me this question recently: “Can you tell me my purpose in life? I can’t see it for myself.” While I’m many ways psychic with clair-skills, I don’t answer these questions. I help you answer them for yourself by taking 3 to 4 steps.Blocks and results after steps:These steps involve gaining mental and emotional clarity by going through a few processes to enable you to access your subconscious mind for guidance. Often this clarity is blocked by stress, low energy, emotional conditions such as depression. In this brief video/podcast, you’ll hear how two women recently found clarity fast and what steps they took to do it.Standout Quotes: "When you start to shift energetically, what was on your path before changes. It's like our life looks like a tree. And every decision that you make, you go along all t