Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas

Developing the Art of Listening to Your Inner Voice Amid the Noise in Your Life



In today’s world, more than ever, it gets harder and harder to pay attention to your intuition or inner voice. You can get caught up in the doing, going down your checklists, ticking items off one by one. You can get pushed into making fast decisions where you are running as fast as you can and often end up making the wrong decisions.Here you are functioning in the conscious brain, vacillating between your emotions and logical mind, especially if the emotions are low energy. The noise gets so loud in your brain that you can lose connection to what’s really important.Why slowing down to speed up is so importantThere are even further issues that you might not be aware of, that is that of cording. Cords are lines of energy that connect us to things. In addition to people in your family, your business, your friends and your clients, you have a lot of objects in your vicinity, including your clothing/shoes/jewelry, your books, your artwork, your furniture, and even your home. Everything around you, where you’ve go