Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas

Finding Love and Happiness After A Bitter Divorce



Commonly, people suffering in their love life are suffering physically somehow, whether it’s chronic pain, a broken heart (heart problems), breast or lung cancer.  They long for that deep connection with someone that seems so elusive that they are in this physical distress.  Worse is after divorce, especially a hideous one, picking up the shattered fragments to put together a loving connected life seems nearly impossible.People come to me all the time to solve a physical malady but in essence really need to heal their love life.  Let’s look at what happens when hopes and dreams die, the happily ever after fades into the distance, and your heart breaks into little fragments.Yes, trust is gone, bitterness sets in, anger fills your life, you have a filter over your whole being that colors everything in that light.  Life isn’t sweet.  Your frequency has dropped, literally, and it sets you up for chronic illness or worse.In that deep pain, many of you think to yourself that finding love again is going to help.  So