Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas

Spiritual Self Transformation with Etienne Charland



Last year, I met this astonishingly talented young man who emanates truth every time I hear him speak. Etienne Charland’s vision goes way beyond the physical. Top business people seek his guidance as to what is the correct direction to help their business flourish and grow consciously and gracefully.Etienne Charland’s beginnings belie the spiritual nature of his journey now. Growing up in Quebec, Canada, He started out as a computer geek, in all its technical glory, complete with the highly introverted and nearly xenophobic nature. He knew somehow he was not connected to his true self.So after college, Etienne left his job, sold his car and computer, left his apartment and went abroad seeking answers about how to live life differently. He’s been living all around the world since then, in Finland, Sweden, Spain, France, Thailand, Peru, Colombia and Hungary among other places.He has awakened to the true nature of existence, including concepts and philosophies that are not yet being taught in self-development an