
Can we disagree well over LGBTQ+ inclusion in the Church?



Tremper Longman III joins us once more, this time to discuss how LGBTQ+ issues are handled in the Church! Joshua Noel and TJ (Tiberius Juan) Blackwell ask Dr Longman about the many different positions churches have taken on issues like whether we should be affirming or not of same-sex marriages, how welcoming we should be to those in these lifestyles, whether the Church should affirm people who are transexual, or whether people in the Church should use the preferred pronouns of those we are speaking to.Why is homosexuality a sin if being gay is just who I am? Is it REALLY ok to be LGBTQ & Christian? What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Can my church be welcoming to the LGBTQ+ community without being affirming? Should Christians be respectful of people's chosen pronouns? How do we know what to believe about same-sex desires? Is homosexuality okay in the Church? Where does the Bible say that being gay is a sin?.In this episode, we will:Discuss the different positions in the Church concerning the LG