Living Zen Podcast

Unburdening Trancework



As we go about living our lives, we have all kinds of experiences, both good and bad, and often our focus is on moving through challenges and adverse experiences as quickly as possible... and once we’ve done that, we seldom look back! Now... this isn’t necessarily a bad thing... it’s just that sometimes it results in us mentally or emotionally carrying around bits of unfinished business that are often years... or even decades old. The kinds of things that pop up into our awareness at the most inconvenient times... like when things are quiet at home... or when we’re finally able to lay down in bed... or when we’re trying to focus on that task that we really need to get done. This session will help you clarify the nature of the stuff that’s been lingering around in the shadows of your subconscious mind... and weighing you down. You can release what’s no longer needed, and bring into focus anything that might need a little more intention to unpack and process so that you can move forward on your journey. This se