Greetings From Allentown

GFA Live #186: WWF Superstars 07-22-1989



On this edition of GFA Live, Peter and Keithie talk about WWF Superstars from July 15, 1989! (and some other stuff, of course!) Topics of discussion include: * Trying to make sense of the WrestleCon "Cheesecake Factory" menu * Dusty Rhodes interrupts the Big Bossman, steals nightstick, handcuffs....and a hat from God knows where * Hogan/Beefcake and Savage/Zeus battle for batshit promo supremacy * The cuisine of Rochester, NY * Music for Summerslam 89 and how it's the same as the one from Royal Rumble 92 * The secret ingredient of Macho Madness * Pete expresses anger towards an NCAA women's basketball game * Finding the humor in Jimmy Snuka promos