The Non-prophets

Faith Betrayed: Abuse in Church Boarding Schools



The owners of a Christian boarding school in Missouri are jailed and charged with kidnapping crimesAP News, By JIM SALTER, on March 4, 2024 heartfelt conversation centering on the disturbing events surrounding the arrest and charges brought against Larry and Carmen Musgraves, proprietors of ABM Ministries, a Christian boarding school in Missouri. The arrests were prompted by allegations of abuse and reports of children fleeing from the school. The participants express a range of emotions, from outrage and disgust to sadness and frustration, as they discuss the broader implications of trust placed in religious institutions and the lack of oversight that allowed such abuse to occur.Throughout the discussion, there is a palpable sense of indignation at the exploitation of vulnerable children under the guise of religious education. The participants lament the systemic failure that enabled these atrocitie