The Powell Movement Action Sports Podcast

TPM Episode 376: McConkey PMS Recap and Shane Stories



The Pain McShlonkey Classic is arguably the most important event in all of skiing. The coveted Golden Saucer is up for grabs, and this year, 60 ski bladers had KT early ups on a Saturday pow day. The weekend's goal is to raise money in the name of our time's most important skiers and personalities. While Shane McConkey didn't look like an elite level athlete, he was way more than that: the funniest guy everyone knew, the most inclusive, the most awesome, and McShlonkey weekend is a way to celebrate his life and times with his friends at his home of Palisades. I put out a yearly podcast recapping the event and digging up old McConkey stories for your entertainment. This year, while you don't know all the names, the McConkey stories do not disappoint. PMS Classic Show Notes: 3:00:  The Trip 8:00:  Mike Gutt 14:00:  Mike Rosen   17:00 Stanley:  Get up 60% off at Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar. Elan Skis:  O