Women Seeking Wholeness

229: 5 Beautiful TRUTHS to Live By



Do you frequently feel spiritually "weak" or unworthy? Like you're getting it wrong in God's eyes no matter how hard you try? What if the divine ground of your being was always there, unshakable and unchanging, no matter what you did or didn't do? If you've struggled with feeling spiritually flawed, this episode will be a balm for your heart. Immersive Meditation expert Julie Scott (@itsabouttimebaby_julie) vulnerably shares her journey from religious [Catholic] dogma and self-doubt to spiritual freedom. After decades of trying to be the "good girl", a series of profound awakenings, including the sudden loss of her sister, catapulted Julie into a deeper exploration of her own soul's truth. Through meditation and A Course in Miracles, she discovered that love and worthiness were her birthright all along. Julie's "5 New Truths" offer a powerful framework for remembering our divine essence.    The liberating realization that WE ARE NOT OUR BODIES, (but rather the consciousness or awareness animating our physic