
Rand(Nerds); Episode 240 - Crime Dramas, Rocket League, Jedi Survivor, Maneater



Welcome to Episode 240 We talk about our favorite criminal shows including Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul and El Camino. Zaber also recommends Sons of Anarchy Zaber talks about Rocket League, a football like game featuring cars and rockets, Also featuring a not often seen split screen mode, It was a favorite in the Zabermoul house, but an update require each player to have a profile and no guest accounts has caused some consternation. Zaber has also been playing Star Wars Jedi Survivor, last years sequel to Fallen order, an third person action adventure game that he started to scratch the surface of and will return to on a future podcast Ram has been eating people and smacking fish in Maneater, playing as a Shark on a revenge quest for her mother. Simple fun thrashing and killing fish, alligators, other sharks and people. As well as avoiding hunters, its a very simple and ok game but is quite fun. We also learn Danish with Zaber, as well an alternative version of his name, Ram loses what little street cred he