Summitpa Sermon Audio

Win By Losing - Week 1: Take the Loss



In the first message of our series called Win By Losing, Pastor Mel makes the case for reorganizing what you prioritize as valuable. Jesus said, "If you cling to your life you'll lose it, but if you give up your life for me you will find it." Our world teaches us to make sacrifices in an effort to win, but Mel explains why winning by itself is an improper motivation. Preaching through Philippians 3, Mel outlines the perspective which views everything else as worthless compared to the infinite value of knowing Jesus Christ. The message finishes with an illustration of the famous statue called, "The David" which Michelangelo carved from marble. The illustration teaches how God wants to shape us into something immeasurably valuable by subtracting the things which are not fitting to the image of Christ.