Meat + Three

Can You Keep a Secret?



From hush-hush recipes that are fiercely protected, to untold bits of family history, this week’s Meat and Three uncovers some of the closely guarded secrets that encompass the food we eat, drink, and cook. We will consider what makes a recipe confidential and the lengths that businesses go to legally protect their trade secrets. We will also explore how food can be a powerful vehicle for secrets across time and borders. Finally, experts in the food industry will reveal some of their top-secret kitchen tricks that may transform your own cooking. Further Reading:There’s no confirmation that driving backwards through the drive thru will get you a free shake, but according to In-N-Out, many of their off-menu items are an open secret.Learn more about the work that attorney Jason Foscolo does at the Food Law Firm here.Lauren Handel is an attorney at Handel Food Law Firm. You can check out their work here. Additional music in Aviva Futornick’s story by Gregor Quendel.Keep Meat and Three on the air: become an HRN Me