Meat + Three

Reparations and the American Rescue Plan



When we talk about agriculture in the U.S. there is often an archetypical  American farmer that comes to mind. Perhaps they’re in overalls, maybe a cowboy hat, but they’re almost always white. The white farmer trope has become a fixture in America’s invented agricultural past. However, American agriculture has long relied on  the labor and expertise of Black people, while perpetually writing them out of history. Produced by our intern Tash Kimmell, this episode will explore the fraught history of Black agriculture in the US. From land grabbing, to shady USDA lending practices, to the government's most recent attempts at righting the wrongs of a racist past. Further Reading:To learn more about Dr. Gails non-profit visit farmstogrow.comKeep Meat and Three on the air: become an HRN Member today! Go to Meat and Three is powered by Simplecast.