Meat + Three

Trading Futures: Borders, Automation, the Dark Web, and the New Silk Road



It’s the final episode of our series on global trade, and we’ve got our eyes set on the future.In the past, trade was hindered by distance and limited communication, which today’s internet and fast travel routes have helped to mediate. These days, trade is confronted by new issues: global inequalities that force people to migrate, machines so efficient they’re making human labor redundant, and alarming threats to cybersecurity.We’ll start by looking at the borders that still divide countries, and the people whose profession it is to cross them. Then, we’ll hear about job automation, and why sitting back and letting robots do our work for us may not be as relaxing as it sounds. Next, we’ll dig deep into the dark corners of the internet. And finally, to conclude our series, we’ll travel to the “new” Silk Road.Further Reading:You can find a longer interview with Alyshia Gálvez on a November episode of Meant to be Eaten. To read more about how NAFTA impacts public health and people’s lives in Mexico, check out he