Meat + Three

The Grass is Greener



We decided it was high time we did an episode about Mary Jane. Over the past few years, the legal cannabis industry has been blooming in states across the nation. From recreational use of marijuana, to the resurgence of hemp farming in the American South… weed is here to stay. We begin our journey into the wide world of weed with an excerpt of a recent episode of Cutting the Curd. Host Diane Stemple speaks with cheese monger turned cannabis advisor, Christina Fleming, about the surprising similarities between selling two notoriously pungent products. We follow up our cheese course with a drink! CBD is a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis and it’s popping up left and right across the food and beverage world. Kat Johnson and Hannah Fordin take a trip over to Saxon & Parole in Manhattan to taste test a CBD cocktail. We can't talk about cannabis without talking about efforts to legalize it in states across the US. It was a huge point of discussion during the New York democratic gubernatorial primary