Moments With Marianne

Sound Healing with Farzana Ali



Is there science that backs how sound can heal our body and mind? Tune in for an empowering discussion with special guest Farzana Ali on her new #book Sound Healing:  How to Use Sound to Beat Stress and Anxiety.Moments with Marianne airs in the Southern California area on KMET1490AM & 98.1 FM ABC Talk News Radio affiliate!    Farzana Ali, also known as The Sound Therapist, is a sound practitioner. She also leverages a 17-year career as a former lifestyle and wellness journalist, having worked for both glossy magazines and national newspapers. During which, she tried out and tested all types of meditation and mindfulness activities and interviewed leading experts across the wellbeing field. https://www.farzanazali.comFor more show information visit: #readinglist #books #bookish #author #authorinterview #KMET1490AM #radioshow #booklover #mustread #reading #soundhealing #healing #mindbodyspirit