Youth Worker On Fire Podcast

197 Never Stop Praying For People with Jim Halstead of Go and Tell Ministries



Breaking Strong Holds… Maybe you have been praying for someone or for a certain person to have an encounter with God. An encounter life changing that it would have them seeking to ask Jesus Christ personally in their heart. Has it maybe seemed like it’s taking forever? Not even a sign of hope? Jim Halstead (Founder of Go and Tell Ministries) asked Jesus into his heart in 1976. He started praying for his family to ask Jesus in their heart in 1977.... this brings us now to 2024. This is how long it took for his sister to ask Jesus into her heart. We discuss in this episode how each and every person has a different timetable when it comes to their spiritual change. Why do some people take so long? Why do some people seem to accept this life changing moment so quickly? When strong holds are broken with one person, it sets off a ripple effect, strongholds are broken with not just one person, but many people! Learn more about Go and Tell Ministries at: ______________________________