Amazing Fba

Why an Ecommerce business isn’t really a cash cow



Hey folks. I want to discuss what is kind of a hard topic, which is why an e-commerce business isn't a cash cow. It's not what is advertised to be on the internet, but the good news is it could make you more money than you think, as long as you know what you're dealing with. The myth of the e-com cash cow So folks let's talk about the myth of an e-commerce business as a cash cow. There is a lot of misconception on the internet about the cash-generating potential of e-commerce ventures. I'm talking about things with physical products at their heart, and therefore inventory, which changes everything. And we need to examine this. Typical cash cow digital businesses Now let's talk about what we mean by cash cow. First of all, I'm talking really about things that produce money. In cash in other words without much capital investment. The examples that spring to mind: are coaching. I know all about that because I've been doing that online for years. The upsides: you don't need to pay much money, or even any to st